Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cheese Fest
One might hear "artisan cheese festival" and think, "that sounds like a fun thing to go to." I hear it and think my heart may stop from sheer bliss.
Being stuck in a room with several hundred fellow cheese nerds, all celebrating the most perfect food known to man? Yep, it was rough.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Clay Pot
Even though technically I'm a professional chef, I'm often let off the hook in the kitchen. It helps a lot having friends and family who love to cook.
Here's what I came home to the other night.
Because the clay is porous, it's crucial it is thoroughly soaked in water for 30 minutes before the ingredients are added to it.
This recipe was a Bear original- lamb shoulder with fennel, potatoes, onion and squash. The best part is the meat and the veggies cook perfectly together, even though they traditionally cook at different times and temperatures. The moisture retained in the pot keeps everything juicy and tender. Just add a little water or stock to the bottom before you put it in the oven.
This cooked at 450 for about 45 minutes or so.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Cool Site for the Sciencey Type
I recently got turned onto the site Cooking for Engineers. A friend of mine recommended it, and since he works with scientists, I figured I'd check it out. It's great!
I've always been much more in touch with the creative side of my brain than the analytical, but this is good insight for me. My forte is pastry, but it is all chemistry, and this lady didn't do so well in that class. Now I have a resource to help me catch up!
Check it out here. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Good Read
Part of being a ravenous woman is having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, if not through personal experience, then through books.
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson has been on my list for ages now, and I'm delighted to have come across it in the library at just the right time to read it. Bryson shares his experience hiking the Appalachian Trail using the perfect mix of dry wit and appreciation for nature. Can you imagine hiking from Maine to Georgia? I will never complain about parking around the corner again.
This book made me nostalgic for my brief foray living in the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts a few years back. The trail cuts through my then-neighboring town, and I hiked it one day, but quit after just a couple hours. I worked with a guy who hiked the trails entirety, and I regret that I never got the chance to sit down and talk with him about his adventures.
East Coast hikes feel so different from the west coast mostly in the smell. As trite as that sounds, it feels foreign to me now to hike in a place where I don't smell redwood or eucalyptus. I was happy to revisit New England through this book, and feel compelled to add some more of the Appalachian Trail under my boots one day.
Go here to learn more and show support for the trail. And read some Bill Bryson, he rules!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Meeting the One(s)
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Visit to the Goat Farm
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What Every Kitchen on a Sunday Morning Should Look Like
What does your Sunday look like?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Remembrance of Mushrooms Past
There's nothing I love more than the changing of the seasons, but this rain has got to go! It's been a lazy day for me hiding in my cozy cabin and trying to deal with the confusion that is daylight savings time. Anyone else felt a little off the last couple days? Anyone?
I usually like the rain, but I'm ready for spring and sunshine. It does make me nostalgic for the beginning of the rainy season, when the mushrooms start appearing on the beautiful dry days in between. So I'll take the opportunity to post pics from a mushroom hunt I did on one of those days a few months ago.
Just make sure you don't go mushroom hunting without an expert. There are hundreds of wild edible mushrooms in Northern California alone, a ton of which have deadly look-a-likes. I've gone with a couple experts who have years of experience, and about half the mushrooms we see are unfamiliar. As the Sonoma County Mycological Association says, "when in doubt, throw it out!"
Not sure what this one was, but check out those gills!

This was so cool, and the most vibrant shade of red I think I've ever seen in nature. Couldn't find a name after an extensive internet search. Makes me have so much respect for the research involved in serious identifying!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Another Fun Beach Video
Here's a good way to pester clams living on the shore. Makes me excited to go clam digging!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Shell to Bait
I realize I didn't explain much in the way of baiting a hook for fish. This is just a hair more complicated than sticking a worm on a hook, but I took a video of Bear opening a giant mussel for fish bait. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fishing, Take 1
This weekend, I went fishing for the first time since I was eight. It was awesome. Bear knows all the great spots along the coast and had the gear and know-how, so I rolled up my sleeves and put my best fish-catching face on.
Here's me holding the bait- isn't it the biggest mussel you've ever seen?
Monday, March 7, 2011
New York Highlights
Though it's been weeks since my trip to New York to celebrate my 30th, I am only now feeling like I've recovered ... and it occurred to me I haven't shared photos! Here are some of the highlights beyond the epic new haircut.

View from the air:

When was the last time you visited a place you used to call home? Was it nostalgic, bittersweet, happy, sad? Share your experience in the comments below!
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