If you haven't noticed the abundance of wildflowers where you live, it's time to start looking. They're everywhere! I went on a hike and got as close as my point and shoot would allow.
Here is some of Northern California's bounty:

This fuschia blackberry flower was my favorite- they are almost always white, but this was the black sheep of the bush.

Standing in front of Mount St. Helena, with views of the Pacific on my other side.

Poppies beaten down by coastal winds.

Wild irises, which I am still trying to successfully press.

Sweet peas:

When I lose my hiking buddy, he's usually lagging behind trying to capture a new flower with his micro lens.

A baby banana slug:

Fiddlehead ferns:

Posing with cow parsnip, which may now be taller than me.

The flower encyclopedia, up close.
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